Jan 7

Things about me!!!

Category: Uncategorized

I love to hunt its like a passion for me. I also like to go to my brothers house its my only place that i can get away from my mom, dad, sister, and niece. I love dogs I have two of them there names are stitch and suzie. I like to go to pool when i can and also walk to m&m or to the school for football games. I love to try out new sports and also to hang out with my friends. I like to go to church its fun because my friend lives by there. I also like to go any where i can just to get out of the house!!!
My favorite thing to do is to shop, play with my dog go hunting and to also sometimes play football if I want to or sometimes any other sport.
God is my passion I try and read my bible everyday.

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Jan 4

Stitch says Hello!!!

Category: Uncategorized

I don’t know what to say!

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